Thursday, August 7, 2008

Trying to be a better person...

It is so hard to for a leapord to change its spots and surely to become a better person. How can someone just change who they are with out struggle? No matter if you do it for you or someone else it is hard to put on a new face and start from scratch. Learning new manurizmes in the way you interact with people to come across in a different way and not put yourself in the position of old. Truly it is a struggle. I guess when you are ingrained with so many traits, thoughts, and actions of childhood and a sort of "monkey see monkey do."

There are so many people out there that can play the part and don't change but put on faces. They can act one way around people and just as soon as they are back in their comfort zone its back to the same old person. What good is that? Or there are the people that conform to those around them kind of a chamillion effect were they change to their surroundings. That is no way to live.

I believe that those who truly want to change can do it but you have to work at it. The daily struggle of being a better person is the same for any other thing that you want, you have to work for it. Keep your eye on the prize. It is the struggle that makes you want it more. You fight for the right and forgive those in the wrong because as good human beings that is what we do. Or you can retaliate and then you are no better then the others. Would that be worth it cause bad Ju-Ju will get you.

Be better not for you but for others. Do it for the women in your life. Do it for the family members that care for you so. Do it for the friends that have become a part of your life. In the long run you will see struggle or no it is worth it, there is a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow!