Sunday, July 27, 2008 this real or just a myth?

Is friendship real anymore or have we lost sight of this wonderful bond between other people? I wonder sometimes. I have not disregarded friendship as a whole; I have a few friends, but I have many acquaintances in this world. I so cherish the few friends I have and the glory I get from their reflections on my life and the joy they add to it. I would not change that for the world, but what happened to the others? All the others that I have crossed paths with and befriended, later down the road of life they have faded from my life becoming a faint memory.
I wonder does society value the meaning and bond of friendship anymore? I wonder if we as individuals value the people that have been brought into our lives? I think not. Have we as a society wandered the path of life feeding on the friendships that we are blessed with only to throw them to the wayside like litter on the interstate. Have we forgotten what this bond means, the offering it gives to life and how our experiences are molded?
I ask you to ponder on the thought of the people who have faded into the back part of your brain, the shadows. Wonder what they could have offered. Contemplate the offerings that you have forbid in your life. It may not bother you at all cause it is the heart which yearns for more and the brain which seeks knowledge, but hell what did they have to offer, right...?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Quite the opposite

It was brought to my attention that my first entry portrayed my thoughts incorrectly. I am happily in love and would not have it any other way. My life is full of love with a wonderful woman by my side. So you can see love fills my life with a wonderful woman, a few great friends, my father (God rest his soul), and Jesus.
But if you are in doubt then I think you need to go out and get some. It is every where with some great potential. So gitcha some!

Monday, July 14, 2008

What is happening to love...?

"I love you, I love you more than you ever know. I would do any thing for you. I don't know if I could live without you..." Really? Do you? Come on now you wouldn't lie to me, right? What has happened to this word? A four letter word that used to have meaning. A four letter word that once said by a person would let someone know that you care for them. You had feelings for them that you normally did not feel for others.
I believe this is not the case anymore. This word is thrown around like a hot potato from person to person with no true meaning anymore. A word that meant something almost as much as the word honor (but that is for another time). I feel the word is regurgitated almost on a regular basis in adolescent attempt to address the way we feel and know no other way of doing so. We as a society have abused this word like a step child and it is ridiculous. Do we as a society feel that love is the only thing we have anymore, geez you cannot find a good friendship anymore without stipulations and a pre-nup.
I heard a story on a talk radio show tonight talking about a teenage girl who was asked by her boyfriend to sleep with some of his friends for money. She did just that and the boyfriend was paid $500 for the first time and $200 for the second. She then went on to state that she does not know if they are a couple anymore and the boyfriend has stated he does not want to be with her anymore but wants her to act like she is with him. Really? Further in the conversation she was asked why she was still with him and she said and I quote, "he said he loved me an whether he does or not it does not matter I just like to hear him say it it makes me feel good." A prime example!
You could say there are some amendments to the rule. Truly you can tell a friend you love them but this is a different kind of love, that which best friends feel for one another and would do almost anything for. Love is out there and I swear that once found and felt there is no better feeling in the world. As stated in a song, "it can move mountains," and truly if you believe then you can do anything.
It would be wishful thinking to say we could go back to the way things were and try to find true love again and search for its meaning and show others that it is a good thing when meant the way it is suppose to be, but hey whats wrong with wishful thinking even George Washington had his moments!